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Thursday, 6 February 2014

"Happiness only real, when shared."

I was introduced to In To The Wild the other night by my sister (which I would recommend to all to watch), and these words spoken by Emile Hirsch (starring as the Christopher McCandless) at the end of the film left me thinking. Now, firstly I apologise, 4 posts in and I am getting deep, but, not only did I like this quote, I thought it spoke some truth. 

Christopher ventures into the wilderness to fulfil his desire of the ultimate adventure. Leaving money and his materialistic possessions behind, he discovers that life can be enjoyed through the simplicities. What he realises in the end, is that these experiences are best when shared. 

I try to fill my days with experiences, let it be something as small as baking a cake with my mum, to going away for a weekend with friends. However, sharing your happiness with someone is different for everyone.It could be from smiling at a stranger, doing a good deed, trying something new, or travelling to a new country. Though you can accomplish enjoyment from an experience alone, when shared I think it creates a whole new kind of happiness. 

I went to Peru last September with a friend and we chose to see the country with the tour company Contiki. Travelling around in a group enabled us to share joy over reaching the top of Huayna Picchu or surviving a night in the jungle. 

Perhaps some experiences, like eating a chocolate cake, can't be shared, and I do believe happiness can derive from self-satisfaction, for example when reaching a personal goal. Though, when sharing this achievement with family and friends and receiving their praise it can exceed this happiness. 

All in all, go out there and share some of your happiness-it will brighten your day even more and could brighten up someone else's :).

Anyway, I will stop rambling now! 

In To The Wild Trailer - 

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